Home > ESG

We strive beyond customer
satisfaction to create social value
Social and Governance
We are committed to engaging with various stakeholders, creating positive values, and pursuing sustainable business with eco-friendly strategies.
GHG Emissions Reduction
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Products
Climate Change Action
Sustainable Workplace
Ethical Management
Social Contribution
ESG News
We take action on climate change
to build a sustainable future
GHG Emission Reduction
We set our GHG emissions reduction target by 2033 to address the potential negative impacts of climate change.
We implement various GHG emissions reduction measures across our supply chain to achieve our target aligned with Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), limiting the rise of global average temperature below 1.5¡ÆC.
GHG Emission Reduction Roadmap
Unit : tCO2
Renewable Energy
We proceed with the renewable energy projects for our sustainable manufacturing process.
We expand our energy usage across our supply chain and procure energy form more sustainable sources in response to global warming. We plan to increase GHG emissions reduction amount by gradually expanding renewable energy usage in our manufacturing process.
Sustainable Products
Sustainable Materials
To meet our customers¡¯ needs and minimize the environmental impact of our manufacturing process, we have gradually increased our use of sustainable and traceable materials. While we are expanding the use of sustainable materials in our products, we plan to develop our BI system to track and visualize our usage of sustainable materials.
3D Sampling
Since 2019, we have integrated 3D sampling into our design process and this innovation has effectively reduced unnecessary water, energy use and waste. We will further expand the digitalization of our sampling processes to minimize traditional physical samples.
3D vs Physical
3D Solutions
Climate Action
We engage in various of climate change adaption and mitigation programs at our operation locations to protect communities and nature.
Water Desalination Project
We work with a global NGO, Good People, to address saline water intrusion caused by the sea-level rise due to global warming and provide fresh drinking water to local communities by installing RO Systems. Since 2016, this long-term climate action donation project has supported the improvement of people¡¯s lives in vulnerable communities from climate-related disasters and illnesses by providing fresh water.
Tree Planting Project
The Tree-Planting project is one of our climate change mitigation projects to sequester GHG emissions by planting trees in local communities. The project has supported the restoration of forests and the GHG emissions reduction action through our factories¡¯ direct engagement in the local reforestation program in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Ethical Management
Code of Conduct
Hansoll Textile has established a Code of Conduct for ethical value and public responsibility.
Our Code of Conduct is abided by all of our employees and is the most basic effort to carry out ethically responsible management practices.
Ethical Management
Ethics Towards the Country and Society
We shall not engage in politics unfairly and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to safety for disaster and danger prevention.
Ethics Towards Customers
We shall respect our customers, protect their assets, intellectual property, trade secrets, and clientele information, and not infringe on customer interests through unethical practices.
Basic Ethics of Employees
Employees shall perform their duties fairly in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Employees shall treat one another with dignity and adhere to basic etiquette. Employees are prohibited from corrupt activities such as unfair solicitation, bribery, and improper payments.
Ethics Towards Employees
We shall offer equal opportunities to all employees based on individual abilities and qualities, apply fair measures to evaluate performance and achievement, and not discriminate for any reason.
Ethics Towards Shareholders
We shall practice transparent management, maximize corporate value through efficient management and continuous innovation, and share our accomplishments with our shareholders.
Ethics Hotline
Hansoll Textile listens to external and internal stakeholders including our employees, partners, and customers.
Reports of violations to Hansoll¡¯s Code of Conduct or unfair competition practices are investigated in confidence.
Types of Report
Receive money, other valuables, entertainment
Improper solicitation and demand
Leakage of confidential information
Actions that harm sound corporate culture
Illegal and criminal acts
(Violations of other ethical Codes)
Reporting Process
Provide Information
Receive E-mail
Conduct Investigation
Reply Process Result
Protection of the informant
¡¤ Confidentiality: Personal information of the informant cannot be disclosed to the public without the informant¡¯s consent.

¡¤ Reduction or exemption of liability: If an informant is disciplined or treated unfavorably for an act of reporting, any disciplinary action or unfair treatment may be reduced or exempted.

¡¤ Prohibition of disadvantageous measures: Any disadvantageous measures against the informant are prohibited, and the company may not interfere from reporting.
Social Contribution
Community Contribution
We support the dreams of underprivileged students and contribute to community development and the improvement of living standards.
Providing Scholarships to Local Affiliated Schools
Since 2010, we have provided scholarships and necessary supplies to affiliated schools in our operating regions. Through our contribution, we have supported underprivileged students in local communities to help continue their studies.
Supporting Vulnerable Social Groups
We engage in social contribution activites for the underprivileged. Hansoll continues to donate to places in need, such as nursing homes and orphanages in the local community, and strives for community development and improvement in quality of life.
Sustainable Workplace
Women-Friendly Work Environment
We practice a culture of gender equality throughout our management. With 51% female middle managers and 35% female executives, we operate a fair and balanced personnel system by creating a work environment and performance evaluation free from gender discrimination.
Hansoll W.I.S.E.
(Women Inspired, Supported, Empowered)
We have created a program to increase female workers' understanding of their rights, enhance equality and strengthen empowerment. With 76% of our workforce represented by female workers, the W.I.S.E program aims to support their financial independence, work-family balance, and self-realization, in efforts to create an inclusive society through balanced growth.
Supply Chain Risk Management
We conduct our self-developed Hansoll Internal Assessment at owned and partner factories. Based on our due diligence, we discern risks in the working environment in terms of the overall management system, including labor, health & safety, and environment, and work towards implementing improvement measures.
Preventing Workplace Injuries
We take the initiative to create a culture of safety in the workplace. We aim to prevent workplace injuries by initiating various campaigns to raise awareness and identifying and improving safety hazards through the analysis of previous cases of accidents.
Grievance Resolution System
We maintain various channels of communication to provide resolution to workers' grievances.
We are striving to establish a sound corporate governance
structure with a focus on the general shareholders'
meeting and the board of directors

Details of General Shareholders¡¯ Meeting

  • The 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 29, 2024, the total number of shares that can be issued is 200,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 2,000,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 2,000,000
    The 32nd Annual General Meeting
    of Shareholders
    When   ¤Ó 29th of March(Fri) 2024, 10:30am
    Where  ¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
  • The 31st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 22, 2023, the total number of shares that can be issued is 200,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 2,000,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 2,000,000
    The 31st Annual General Meeting
    of Shareholders
    When   ¤Ó 22nd of March(Wed) 2023, 10:30am
    Where  ¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
  • The 30th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 24, 2022, the total number of shares that can be issued is 200,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 2,000,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 2,000,000
    The 30th Annual General Meeting
    of Shareholders
    When   ¤Ó 24th of March(Thur) 2022, 10:30am
    Where  ¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
  • The 29th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 24, 2021, the total number of shares that can be issued is 2,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 400,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 400,000
    The 29th Annual General Meeting
    of Shareholders
    When   ¤Ó 24th of March(Wed)) 2021, 10:30am
    Where  ¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 400,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 400,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 400,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
Composition of board of directors
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.¡¯s board of directors consists of 4 inside and 2 outside directors, and 1 full-time auditor.
Inside Director Outside Director
4 2
Full-time Auditor Total
1 7
Board operation
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.'s board of directors holds regular quarterly board meetings and more often as needed.
Through the board of directors, we practice transparent management based on trust and decision-making on the company's goals, major management strategies, and policies.
Composition of ESG Committee
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.¡¯s ESG Committee is a committee within the board of directors and consists of 2 inside and 2 outside directors.
(Inside Director)
(Inside Director)
(Outside Director)
1 1 2
ESG Committee operation
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.'s ESG Committee holds regular meetings twice a year and operates committees as needed.
Through the ESG Committee, we practice management and decision-making on policies, strategies, goal setting, performance checks and evaluations for ESG management.
We share our ESG news.
We strive beyond customer satisfaction to create social value
Social and Governance
We are committed to engaging with various stakeholders, creating positive values, and pursuing sustainable business with eco-friendly strategies.
GHG Emissions Reduction
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Products
Climate Change Action

Sustainable Workplace
Ethical Management
Social Contribution
ESG News
We take action on climate change to build a sustainable future
GHG Emission Reduction
We set our GHG emissions reduction target by 2033 to address
the potential negative impacts of climate change.

We implement various GHG emissions reduction measures across
our supply chain to achieve our target aligned with Science
Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), limiting the rise of global
average temperature below 1.5¡ÆC.

GHG Emission Reduction Roadmap Unit : tCO2
Renewable Energy
We proceed with the renewable energy projects for our sustainable manufacturing process.

We expand our energy usage across our supply chain and procure energy form more sustainable sources in response to global warming. We plan to increase GHG emissions reduction amount by gradually expanding renewable energy usage in our manufacturing process.

Sustainable Products
Sustainable Materials

To meet our customers¡¯ needs and minimize the environmental impact of our manufacturing process, we have gradually increased our use of sustainable and traceable materials. While we are expanding the use of sustainable materials in our products, we plan to develop our BI system to track and visualize our usage of sustainable materials.

3D Sampling

Since 2019, we have integrated 3D sampling into our design process and this innovation has effectively reduced unnecessary water, energy use and waste. We will further expand the digitalization of our sampling processes to minimize traditional physical samples.

3D vs Physical

3D Solutions

Climate Action
We engage in various of climate change adaption and mitigation programs at our operation locations to protect communities and nature.

Water Desalination Project

We work with a global NGO, Good People, to address saline water intrusion caused by the sea-level rise due to global warming and provide fresh drinking water to local communities by installing RO Systems. Since 2016, this long-term climate action donation project has supported the improvement of people¡¯s lives in vulnerable communities from climate-related disasters and illnesses by providing fresh water.

Tree Planting Project

The Tree-Planting project is one of our climate change mitigation projects to sequester GHG emissions by planting trees in local communities. The project has supported the restoration of forests and the GHG emissions reduction action through our factories¡¯ direct engagement in the local reforestation program in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Ethical Management
Code of Conduct

Hansoll Textile has established a Code of Conduct for ethical value and public responsibility.
Our Code of Conduct is abided by all of our employees and is the most basic effort to carry out ethically responsible management practices.

Ethical Management
Ethics Towards the Country and Society Ethics Towards Customers Basic Ethics of Employees Ethics Towards Employees Ethics Towards Shareholders
We shall not engage in politics unfairly and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to safety for disaster and danger prevention. We shall respect our customers, protect their assets, intellectual property, trade secrets, and clientele information, and not infringe on customer interests through unethical practices. Employees shall perform their duties fairly in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Employees shall treat one another with dignity and adhere to basic etiquette. Employees are prohibited from corrupt activities such as unfair solicitation, bribery, and improper payments. We shall offer equal opportunities to all employees based on individual abilities and qualities, apply fair measures to evaluate performance and achievement, and not discriminate for any reason. We shall practice transparent management, maximize corporate value through efficient management and continuous innovation, and share our accomplishments with our shareholders.
Ethics Hotline

Hansoll Textile listens to external and internal stakeholders including our employees, partners, and customers.
Reports of violations to Hansoll¡¯s Code of Conduct or unfair competition practices are investigated in confidence.
Types of Report

Receive money, other valuables, entertainment

Improper solicitation and demand

Leakage of confidential information

Actions that harm sound corporate culture

Illegal and criminal acts

(Violations of other ethical Codes)
Reporting Process
   Receive E-mail
   Reply Process
Protection of the informant
¡¤ Confidentiality: Personal information of the informant cannot be disclosed to the public without the informant¡¯s consent.

¡¤ Reduction or exemption of liability: If an informant is disciplined or treated unfavorably for an act of reporting, any disciplinary action or unfair treatment may be reduced or exempted.

¡¤ Prohibition of disadvantageous measures: Any disadvantageous measures against the informant are prohibited, and the company may not interfere from reporting.
Social Contribution
Community Contribution

We support the dreams of underprivileged students and contribute to community development and the improvement of living standards.

Providing Scholarships to Local Affiliated Schools

Since 2010, we have provided scholarships and necessary supplies to affiliated schools in our operating regions. Through our contribution, we have supported underprivileged students in local communities to help continue their studies.

Supporting Vulnerable Social Groups

We engage in social contribution activites for the underprivileged. Hansoll continues to donate to places in need, such as nursing homes and orphanages in the local community, and strives for community development and improvement in quality of life.
Sustainable Workplace

Women-Friendly Work Environment

We practice a culture of gender equality throughout our management. With 51% female middle managers and 35% female executives, we operate a fair and balanced personnel system by creating a work environment and performance evaluation free from gender discrimination.

Hansoll W.I.S.E. (Women Inspired, Supported, Empowered)

We have created a program to increase female workers' understanding of their rights, enhance equality and strengthen empowerment. With 76% of our workforce represented by female workers, the W.I.S.E program aims to support their financial independence, work-family balance, and self-realization, in efforts to create an inclusive society through balanced growth.

Supply Chain Risk Management

We conduct our self-developed Hansoll Internal Assessment at owned and partner factories. Based on our due diligence, we discern risks in the working environment in terms of the overall management system, including labor, health & safety, and environment, and work towards implementing improvement measures.

Preventing Workplace Injuries

We take the initiative to create a culture of safety in the workplace. We aim to prevent workplace injuries by initiating various campaigns to raise awareness and identifying and improving safety hazards through the analysis of previous cases of accidents.

Grievance Resolution System

We maintain various channels of communication to provide resolution to workers' grievances.
We are striving to establish a sound corporate governance structure with a focus on the general shareholders' meeting and the board of directors
  • The 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 29, 2024, the total number of shares that can be issued is 200,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 2,000,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 2,000,000
    The 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    When ¤Ó 29th of March(Fri) 2024, 10:30am
    Where¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul.
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
  • The 31st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 22, 2023, the total number of shares that can be issued is 200,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 2,000,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 2,000,000
    The 31st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    When ¤Ó 22nd of March(Wed) 2023, 10:30am
    Where¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul.
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
  • The 30th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 24, 2022, the total number of shares that can be issued is 200,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 2,000,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 2,000,000
    The 30th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    When ¤Ó 24th of March(Thur) 2022, 10:30am
    Where¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul.
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 2,000,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
  • The 29th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    As of March 24, 2021, the total number of shares that can be issued is 2,000,000 shares under the articles of incorporation, and the total number of issued shares is 400,000 common shares. The Company has not issued any stock other than common stock, and the number of outstanding stocks as of the base date is 400,000
    The 29th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    When ¤Ó 24th of March(Wed)) 2021, 10:30am
    Where¤Ó Hansoll Textile Bldg, 15th Floor Conference room, 268, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul.
    ¡¤ Total number of stocks: 400,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks with voting rights: 400,000
    ¡¤ Number of stocks present with voting rights: 400,000
    ¡¤ Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related parties: 100%
Composition of board of directors
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.¡¯s board of directors consists of 4 inside and 2 outside directors, and 1 full-time auditor.
Inside Director Outside Director Full-time Auditor Total
4 2 1 7
Board operation
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.'s board of directors holds regular quarterly board meetings and more often as needed.
Through the board of directors, we practice transparent management based on trust and decision-making on the company's goals, major management strategies, and policies.
Composition of ESG Committee
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.¡¯s ESG Committee is a committee within the board of directors and consists of 2 inside and 2 outside directors.
(Inside Director)
(Inside Director)
(Outside Director)
1 1 2 4
ESG Committee operation
Hansoll Textile Co., Ltd.'s ESG Committee holds regular meetings twice a year and operates committees as needed.
Through the ESG Committee, we practice management and decision-making on policies, strategies, goal setting, performance checks and evaluations for ESG management.
We share our ESG news